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Omarosa Out Trumped Trump!

Isn’t it a pity that Americans don’t even have to ask if there’s anything else that can be just as bad as what we already knew? If Trump would throw his own son under the bus, why should we be surprised about anything else he says or does? What he does with his family is his business, but when he trashes Black people, he has gone too far.

Not many people in the Black community were happy with Omarosa supporting Trump, and we often gagged when she defended him, but no matter what, we never called her names.

Trump doesn’t get a pass calling any woman a dog or a crazed, crying lowlife—especially not when he’s used her to advance his gross agenda. His comments about her were racist and sexist. Those terms are more descriptive of how he acts. I don’t have to agree with everything Omarosa or anybody says, but when you call a sister who has taken so much heat for you a low life dog, you’ve once again shown who you really are. When you add up all the gross, silly, hurtful, harmful, unlawful things he’s done to our country and to all Americans, the title fits Trump a whole lot better than it fits any woman, including Omarosa.

Trump has a history that is longer than Omarosa’s, but let’s just look at his recent history. He began his campaign disrespecting President Barack Obama by insisting he was not born in the U.S.—and he never apologized for that lie or as it was known “the birther conspiracy.”

He and his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, insulted Congresswoman Fredericka Wilson who was working with Sgt. LaDavia Johnson’s family during the Sargent’s brutal death. We know Kelly and Trump were lying, but neither ever apologized to Congresswoman Wilson.

Trump seems to have Congresswoman Maxine Waters on the brain. Until recently, she was his favorite whipping person. He called her a Low I.Q. person and we all know she is far from that! He threatened her with “Be careful what you wish for.”

Trump has berated Colin Kaepernick and NFL players for protesting police brutality and racism. He’s called for firing them in vulgar terms just for exercising their Constitutional rights!

Trump was crazy enough to try to demean the King—LeBron James after he announced a school and scholarships for at risk students in his hometown Akron, Ohio—something normally thought to be great—but not in Trump’s world. Even LeBron’s governor and Trump’s wife had to agree that what LeBron did was a good thing. Don Lemon of CNN interviewed LeBron and Trump labeled both men dumb. It seems that Trump enjoys trying to demean people of color. We’ve heard him do similar things to Mexican Americans, Muslims and immigrants.

We can agree that his crude remarks against Haiti, African nations and El Salvador were racist while he was discussing immigrants from those places. When he expressed a desire to increase immigrants from places like Norway, his message was clearly racist.

Whatever Omarosa’s faults may be, she has proof of what she’s saying these days. I don’t blame her one bit for finally seeing and expressing with evidence what we always knew about Trump. There’s no way I can feel sorry for him when he cries about “fake news” and “witch hunts.”

If he were a normal person, he could’ve taken issue with the news or with Omarosa without the crude personal disparagement—and maybe we would’ve listened. It’s obvious he can train a street fighter, but can’t stand it when she uses some of the tactics she learned from him. Brilliant move Omarosa! You have out trumped Trump!

E. Faye Williams is President of the National Congress of Black Women ( and host of WPFW-FM 89.3’s “Wake Up and Stay Woke.”)

By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.

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