"A Christmas morning fire engulfs Beyoncé's childhood home in Houston, drawing swift response from the Fire Department. The historic residence, a backdrop to the singer's formative...
By Leonard E. Colvin Chief Reporter New Journal and Guide Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are three of Virginians’ favorite holidays as people are joining family...
NORFOLK Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) is all aglow for its annual Million Bulb Walk and holiday fun from 5:00 to 9:30 p.m. nightly through January 2,...
NORFOLK NFL Player Don Carey’s Reech Foundation partnering with Charles Black of 95.7 R&B hosted a Clothes and Toy Drive on Dec. 15. Donations were distributed at MP...
HAMPTON ROADS Among the many groups to organize toy drives and Christmas gifting parties for children in Hampton Roads were the Norfolk Police Department and NFL...