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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: Zechariah’s Messianic Prophecies

Zechariah’s prophecies concerning Christ used symbols to teach spiritual values for both Jesus and much later for Christians. In chapters 9-14, we read some of the most remarkable Messianic messages of the Old Testament. Read and meditate on the verses describing major events in the life of Jesus Christ. Zechariah, the prophet, sought to encourage the people of their unfinished responsibility of rebuilding them of their shortcomings and being commissioned by God, Zechariah encouraged them to action. The prophecies gave hope of the Messiah’s glory which would inhabit it. What does this information mean to us? One easily understood answer is that a future blessing is contingent upon present obedience to God’s word. The people were not merely erecting a building, they were preparing for the future. With that idea as their motivation, they entered the building project wholeheartedly for their Messiah was coming!

Let us search the prophet’s “Good News” about Jesus Christ:
A. Zechariah 9: 9-10 Matthew 21: 1-5 Mark 11: 1-10
The triumphal entry of Christ to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday is described about 5 centuries before the occurrence.
B. Zechariah 11:12, we will learn about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. This can be compared to the wages mentioned in that verse. Matthew 27: 3-4
C. Zechariah 12:10 describes the piercing of Christ’s side and the mourning of Jerusalem which can be compared to John 19:34.
D. Christ’s blood was shed as we can compare an open fountain for the people of Jerusalem for sin and uncleanness in Zechariah 13:1. John 1:29
E. Zechariah 13:7 reminds us of Christ’s arrest and predicted scattering of His followers. Matthew 26:31. Mark 13: 31-33
F. Zechariah 14:4, 9 predicted the return of Christ or His second coming. These are promises of God’s son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Read and give much thought to these prophecies in various translations. Compare the prophecies with New Testament fulfillments in the gospels. As we read, let us continue to trust God for protection and strength to face the future with confidence. Life today still belongs to the ONE who knows all about tomorrow! Let us receive our King as we reflect on God’s love for all of us!

Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va.

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