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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: Let the Faith and Love of Christ Be Our Models

As Christians, we are often shaped by faithful followers of Christ in our lives. Paul reminded Timothy of the teachings he received from his mother Eunice and from his grandmother Lois to let the faith and love of Jesus Christ be his models for life. Timothy was charged by Paul to oppose false teachers. Old Testament prophecies helped Timothy to hold on to faith and good conscience which some have rejected. This story lets us know how the parental roles of mother and grandmother can impact younger generations in our families. Their lives powerfully influenced Timothy as he later became a surrogate son of Paul and a partner in spreading the Gospel.

Paul encouraged Timothy to be true to his Christian heritage by boldly declaring the sound doctrine he learned from family. Timothy recognized the source of his spiritual heritage. It may be wise for us to share our faith with others in younger and older generations. Timothy later reminded followers of Christ not be ashamed to testify about our Lord and Savior. He also tells us how the power of God has saved us and called us to a holy life, not because of anything we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace. To Timothy, Christianity was a family affair as they used sincere faith. Undoubtedly Paul never hesitated to point out family strength and influence.

In 2 Timothy 1:12-14, there is no doubt a testimony of Paul’s willingness to trust God completely. This is a powerful passage of Scripture about the way God works through those of us whom the world tends to overlook. It was most profoundly made known that Timothy’s faith grew from his household. We can experience faith as it is nurtured in many ways. The dramatic experience of Paul’s conversion (Acts 9) was far different from Timothy’s witness of God using family to bring such faith into being.

We continue to rely on God and His power, not the power of materialism or privileges. God provides opportunities for birth and growth for new generations of faith-filled people.
What about us and the new people we encounter? Much has been entrusted to us by God. When we use places of worship and missions in which we engage in our communities, our faith is certainly the key to seize great opportunities to encourage those who depend upon their examples as Christians. For all God does, let us continue to be grateful and faithful that we will always be in His care. How can we prepare a fruitful journey with faith?

1. We can pray that our Christian heritage remains true to God’s will for our lives.
2. Continue Bible study on a regular basis.
3. Try to develop Christian character traits.
4. Seek and be alert for opportunities to bear witness to our faith peacefully.
5. Remember how happy our home can be with God’s love and protection.

With the strength of God, we can go forth as servants in whom the Lord delights by the power of His Spirit! Lois and Eunice never knew that their faith legacy would have lasted more than 2,000 years. How can young people be more influenced by our positive examples of faith? Paul’s letters to Timothy still guide Christians young and old today!

Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va.

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