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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: Jeremiah Prayed For Many and For the Presence of God!

While we realize the tortured life of Jeremiah yet he remained faithful to God who knew him before he was formed, set apart and appointed him as a prophet. He was called to his ministry at such a young age. He never married and somehow conveyed God’s call to repentance for many years. The people of Judah were rebellious and could not see their dangerous future. Regardless to his struggles, Jeremiah was deeply hurt by kings and ordinary people, but he remained faithful to an unchanging God. His faith determined his actions. When our lives are troubled, we too can follow Jeremiah’s footsteps!

God revealed to Jeremiah just how corrupt those people were (Jeremiah 14:11-16). Jeremiah was told not to pray for those people for their good. The intercessory prayer (Jeremiah 14:7) was for a desperate situation. The poor and rich people suffered when drought struck everywhere.

According to Jeremiah 14:1-16, there was a spiritual drought. Consider the appropriateness to ask God for mercy with our own spiritual doubts and even complaints. By Jeremiah 14:7-9, suddenly the people turned to God! They realized their helplessness.

As we continue to seek Him and support one another, we can rely on the Lord as Jeremiah did. We can also find our hope being ratified by faith-building memories of God’s unchanging and greatly known character accompanied by dependability. Let us thank God for using our past to assure us that our hope remains secure in His everlasting faithfulness!

When we review our personal life histories, how can we highlight God’s grace and mercy? Can we compare our lives to the experiences of Jeremiah? Why or why not? In our time we observe a sharp contrast in political maneuvering, idolatry and social injustice have always caused troubles then and now.

Jeremiah faced powerful opposition from the people he was trying to help. In the earliest chapters of the book of Jeremiah, God warned the prophet that his work would not be easy. In Jeremiah 1:19 there was not welcome news. Like us, how did Jeremiah react to those who hurt him? When trials came, he was understandably angry and hurt! What does that tell us about the humanity of even God’s most faithful servants? After studying Jeremiah’s life, how can we learn to trust God despite all the things that happen to us? Like all other human beings, Jeremiah wondered why so many bad things happened to him. To Jeremiah, and to us, so many things just do not make any sense. We must continue to trust God and to pray unceasingly for his mercy!

Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va

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