Richmond’s Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia has been added to a prestigious national network of civil rights sites, highlighting its significant role in...
Pharrell Williams is gearing up to showcase his Virginia Beach childhood in a new musical, featuring a star-studded cast and scenes from his coming-of-age at Atlantis...
"Explore Senator Tim Kaine's efforts to tackle mail disruptions and delays in Virginia, as he leads a bipartisan coalition in addressing postal service issues affecting constituents...
VIRGINIA BEACH One of Virginia Beach’s longest serving pastors and a highly regarded civic leader, Dr. E. Ray Cox, Sr. has passed at age 83. Dr....
By Jaelyn Scott Winter Intern New Journal and Guide Maggie Lena Walker was born on July 15, 1864, in Richmond, Virginia. She was born to Elizabeth...
7 principles; Umoja, which represents unity; Kujichagulia, which represents self-determination; Ujima, which represents collecting work and responsibility; Ujamaa, which represents cooperative economics; Nia, which represents purpose;...
By Glen Mason Special to the New Journal and Guide On September 17, 2022 at the Chesapeake Conference Center, the region’s best “ballers” were recognized by...
RICHMOND Basketball legend Robert “Bobby” L. Dandridge of Norfolk, was among six African American leaders recently recognized as part of the tenth annual “Strong Men &...
RICHMONDThe nation watched the huge mounted bronzed statue of Civil War General Robert E. Lee being lifted from the pedestal in Richmond on Wednesday September 8....
By Rosaland Tyler Associate Editor New Journal and Guide A crystal-clear message surfaced when Hopewell recently named one of its local post offices for civil rights...