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Rebecca's Well

Rebecca’s Well: Welcome Sweet Springtime 2018

“He’s sweet I know. He’s sweet I know. Storm clouds may rise and storm winds may blow. I’ll tell the world where ever I go. I’ve found a Savior and He’s sweet I know.” Just like the mound candy bar, Jesus is sweet and indescribably delicious. Amen (Oh, Yes!)

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“He’s sweet I know. He’s sweet I know. Storm clouds may rise and storm winds may blow. I’ll tell the world where ever I go. I’ve found a Savior and He’s sweet I know.” Just like the mound candy bar, Jesus is sweet and indescribably delicious. Amen (Oh, Yes!)               

Jesus’ love is sweeter,richer, fuller, deeper, sweeter as the years go by. “You who have tasted the good word of God …” (Heb 6:5) know His love fruit is sweet. “O taste and see that the Lord is good …” (Psalm 34: 8)           

In the “Song of Songs,” Solomon states to his beloved, “I sat down in His shade with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste.” (Song 2:3)  Dear Readers, in 2018, sit down, relax, O rest in the Lord.  .”.. abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Ps. 91:1)  Nothing will harm you or come nigh your dwelling for Jesus will give his Angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.        

In 2018, let’s bear more sweet fruit, righteous living for the Lord. The fruit that Jesus desires of us is not our fruit that we engage in, but it is the Holy Spirit’s Fruit of Galatians 5:22,23. This is the fruit of Christ Jesus for us.              

His Love   in dying for our sin   

His Joy at seeing us made whole     

His Peace  in the midst of the storm      

His Patience/Long Suffering with our disobedience and lack of  faith   


His Gentleness in the way He deals with us    

His Goodness given to us at all times    

His Faithfulness every morning     

His Meekness and Lowliness of Heart ever manifesting toward us    

His Tolerance and Self-Constraint with all our imperfections     

The sweetest fruit most of all is Jesus’ Unconditional Love for us.  You don’t have to do anything for it. It’s a free gift coming down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17) Hallelujah! Amen! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Tis Glory Anyhow!


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