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Rebecca’s Well: Precognitive Dreamer

by Dr. Rebecca R. Rivka

Dr. King’s famous and immortal “I Have A Dream” speech can be defined metaphoric dreaming about an event before it occurs.  Freudians believe the dream itself is the unfinished business of living.  That the dream is the royal road to the soul.  Others say most dreams are Activation Synthesis produced by the brain as it dips into the neural memory and food stuff acting together.  Consequently, there is no significant meaning.

Dreaming is important as a means to clear our minds of clutter.  Some people keep a dream journal and plot their lives by these “vision in the night up the bed.” (Daniel 4:5)  All people dream at sometime.


Upon awakening, the visions of the dream can be analyzed, remembered, forgotten, rejected or discarded according to purpose. Dreams have two dimensions – manifest content and latency.  The former is the movie or picture that is seen in the head.  The latter represents the interpretation or meaning. It can be conjectured that the dream and the dreamer are the same, since there is no one else in the head.


The truths of Dr. King’s words are meant for all people.

(1) “my 4 little children, judged by the content of their character and not the color of their

(2) “Let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” (Amos 5:24)


(3)  “Let freedom ring.” These are patriot King’s visions in the night that see beyond the years, American alabaster cities gleaming, undimmed by human tears.


Dr. King guides us to “America The Beautiful,” a thoroughfare for freedom, beat across the wilderness by God’s word, as Law. Dr. King’s soul shouts out! “Righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34) “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:2)

Let us Praise the Lord together! Let us Lift Every Voice and Sing!


Contributor of Rebecca’s Well. The Reverend Dr. Rebecca R. Rivka is a retired professor of Psychology, Norfolk State University and former school psychologist of both Portsmouth and Norfolk public school systems and retired professional counselor, Virginia and currently local elder, New Saint John African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, Virginia Beach, VA.



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