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Entertainment News in Virginia

WVEC Wins In “Celebrity Chef Throw Down” Event

The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore was the beneficiary of the first “Celebrity Chef Throw Down” last Saturday, April 8 at the the Virginia Beach private estate of Kevin and Shevette Jones. Dr. Ruth Jones Nichols, the Foodbank’s CEO, was on hand at to bring greetings and express gratitude for the charity event.

The outdoor event attracted upwards to 100 persons who socialized as news teams from stations WTKR and WVEC competed in cooking demonstrations, with judges selecting WVEC as the winner. The teams created several dishes using only ingredients provided in a mystery basket.

In addition, there was live entertainment, a cash bar, silent auction and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Celebrity Chef Jamie G of Bowie, Md., was among the line up of personalities who were “throwing down” to make the event a success.

Along with the Jones Family, media correspondent, Paula Beckett, and Shannon Gibson of Charmisey Events developed the event which promises to become an annual gathering.

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