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By Elder Gerald DeForest Tyler


“Game On,” no, not football. Congratulations to both the New York Giants and New England Patriots for making it to the Super Bowl for the fourth time, and to the Giants for winning Super Bowl #46. But “Game On” is for the political warfare that’s about to kick into high gear for the race to the White House in Washington, D.C. for the next four years. Don’t you believe all that Republican Party and Tea Party rhetoric and hype they’re slinging around in America, rather, consider the real facts when making up your mind for whom you should cast your vote.


President Barack Obama has done a very good job on numerous fronts considering all the mess he inherited after eight years of The Bush Administration. And certainly would have done even much more had it not been for the rich Republican and Tea Party “player-haters” fighting him “tooth-n-nail” at practically every turn merely because he’s an African-American. And they’re still fighting him and his administrative rightful proposals. As a matter-of-fact, standby, because as the expression goes, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!” Just wait until Mitt Romney, or whoever is chosen as the Republican candidate to oppose President Obama, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s going to be “Game On” with “real dirt flying” then for sure.


I’m talking about “filthy rich” Republicans, and some others as well, who don’t want to pay their fair share amount of taxes. They want the middle class American citizens to continue bearing the heavy load of paying taxes. The poor people among us cannot pay but so much simply because they don’t have it to pay. And the rich folk refuse to pay taxes as they should, so it falls to the middle class wage-earners to prop-up our country. How unfair is that? Concerning the question of paying tribute money, our Lord Jesus Christ taught in the New Testament synoptic gospels that people should “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”


While I do not wish to enter into a debate as to whether or not tithes and offerings paid in the church, should be paid from one’s gross or adjusted income at this juncture, just let me say that a true ten (10%) percent of either category would be a lot better than what most churchgoers typically render unto God. Lots of church folk pay one to two percent of their salaries and say that they’re tithing. Believe me, God knows their hearts. Rich, upper class U.S. Congressmen and women want middle class Americans to continue supporting this country with their blood, sweat, and tears financially, while they (i.e., the rich) make all the decisions that govern the American people. Why even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see (comprehend) that there’s something wrong with that picture. Rich folk, mend your ways and render unto Caesar that which is due…pay your fair share amount of taxes to the State and Federal Government. Look for the continuation of this “Game On” column in next week’s New Journal and Guide.



Elder Gerald DeForest Tyler is an ordained minister with years of senior pastoral experience.


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