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Commentary: Go To The Polls

By Del. Marcia Price
95th District
Newport News

Over the course of 16 months, the presidential candidates have made the case for their visions of our country’s future. We have come to know their platforms, perspectives, and personalities and on Tuesday, November 8th, we will choose our next President.  Elections have consequences that reverberate for generations and this may be the most consequential election in our lifetime. On day one of our next president’s administration, she or he will be tasked with filling the long-standing vacancy on the Supreme Court.

That decision alone will determine if the right to vote will be protected for millions of Americans, if a woman has the right to make her own healthcare decisions, and if every American will be able to enjoy the same equality and freedom no matter who they are and who they love.

The Supreme Court represents just one of a myriad of decisions that will define what type of America our children and grandchildren will grow up in. This is not a question of just temperament and experience, although those are vital qualities in a president.  What is essentially on the ballot in this election are two different visions for America. Trump and Pence’s dark and divisive vision that would tear our country apart and Clinton and Kaine’s hopeful and inclusive vision that says we are stronger together.

At any given time, there are at least fifteen elected officials that represent you and make decisions about your life. Your vote is how you have a voice in who is chosen. In this election, we are choosing the leader of our nation. The President will be chosen with or without your vote, so why not have a say in who it will be? Don’t wake up the morning after the election and regret that you chose not to participate in this historic moment. Every vote is critical as we move forward as a nation. So I urge every Virginian on November 8th: Let’s make history, together.

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