O.J. Simpson, the renowned athlete and polarizing figure, passed away at the age of 76 due to prostate cancer. His life story intertwined unparalleled sports achievements...
"The 2023-2024 NFL season makes history with 14 Black quarterbacks starting on week 1, marking a significant milestone in the league's progress towards diversity and inclusion."...
The MEAC and NFL join forces to host the inaugural Girls on the Gridiron Flag Football Clinic, providing an opportunity for women of all ages to...
By Glen Mason and Leonard Colvin New Journal & Guide Book Review NORFOLK, VA Photo journalist A.B. Whitfield has documented the impact Historically African-American Colleges and...
By Dr. Ronald Holmes Can you imagine what the highways would resemble if there were no requirement for driving? Having traffic lights, stop signs, and other...
NORFOLK Dr. Dennis E. Thomas, who has completed his 19th year as Commissioner of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC), announced recently that he is retiring in...
Special To The New Journal and Guide Norfolk State University’s third female President, Dr. Javaune Adams-Gaston, recently congratulated the first Black female NFL...
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia National Football League teams must now interview at least two minority candidates for head coaching positions under...
By Marc H. Morial “Though this legal battle with Kaepernick has been resolved, he isn’t going away either. The league will forever have to live with...
By D. Kevin McNeir Washington Informer Gladys Knight is poised to board that “Midnight Train to Georgia,” returning to her hometown of Atlanta where she’ll perform...