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Norfolk’s New Fire Chief

Meet Sidney Carroll, Norfolk’s new Fire and Rescue Chief, bringing 41 years of firefighting experience to his hometown. With a strong educational background and numerous accolades, Chief Carroll is dedicated to serving the community and ensuring public safety.
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Norfolk’s new Fire and Rescue Chief is Sidney Carroll, a Norfolk native, with a 41-year firefighting career. He started in his new position this week on Wednesday, May 4.

Chief Carroll holds a bachelor’s degree in fire administration and an associate degree in business administration. He has completed several national fire academy and national incident management system courses, served on the core values development committee for Norfolk Fire-Rescue, and served as the chairperson for the department’s diversity committee.

Among other notable awards, he has received a medal of honor, a medal of valor, and a firefighter of the year award.

He and his wife, Dr. Sally Carroll, reside in Norfolk.

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