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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: Jesus Proves God’s Love

God is love and we love Him because He first loved us. Love is the key to our understanding God and the life He wants us to enjoy here on earth. How do we know that we are from God? How can we overcome false prophets? We are changed by our love for God and others because of His Spirit. We know that we can overcome worldly problems because the ONE who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4-6). Since we are from God and know God, we do not listen to the world. Whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth from God and the spirit of falsehood from false prophets. Many Scriptures encourage us to love one another as He commands us. We know that He lives in us by the Spirit He gives us!

John described Jesus’ love for His disciples. He may have written the book of 1 John in about 90AD. John said the keys to fellowship with God are love and obedience. If we love God, we will stay close to Him and obey His word. How can we recognize the love of God in others? Is Jesus’ love greater than the love of our fellow men? There is no known comparison. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. The Bible says we ought to share our possessions with those in need and at the same time love one another! These are tall orders from God. God’s love for us does not reflect how much we love Him. He sent His one and only Son into the world as the atoning sacrifice for our sins! God lives in us as we love Him and one another. Should our love be known only in words? John says to not only show love with words, but with actions and the truth. Others witness about our love for God through our good examples that are seen and not just talked about to the world in which we live. John tells us truths about the Christian life.

What does God’s love mean to us today? Let us consider the greatness of God’s love. We can thank God for more time to amend our lives. Submitting to God and avoiding temptations will definitely keep us on the right pathways. The love of God is greater than all the sins in the world. Jesus proves God’s love in us with unnerving and unpredictable actions through the lives of us as sinful men and women. His love is beyond our descriptions. The best sermons, best books and most profound writings cannot fully describe His love for us. God’s love is indescribable in human terms. Jesus is still proving God’s love every day as we access the devastation we have escaped from storms, crimes, diseases, wartime threats and economic challenges. As we study the life of Christ, pray for greater understanding of His love. Only what is done for Christ will last. While giving glory to God through Jesus Christ, a transformed life is a visual sign that His powerful love has become a real part of us in our daily activities. God wants us to love everybody.

Christianity is all about love which includes all that God does for us. Let us continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. John reminds us of the most important things in life such as loving one another and obeying God’s commandments. As Christians, it should be a joy to follow Jesus as we recognize the Spirit of God!
Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va.

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