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By Shedrick Byrd

The Articles of impeachment of Donald J. Trump have been sent to the Senate for a Trial to determine if he is going to be dismissed from the presidency.  Even though members of the Senate took an oath to judge the case and vote on its fair assessment of the facts, most Americans don’t believe Trump will be dismissed from office by the Republicans in the Senate. 

Not that he doesn’t deserved to be dismissed but because some of the Senators such as Mitch McConnell and Linsey Graham have said, even before the trial they intend to violate their oath and vote against dismissing Trump.  Who by the way should recuse themselves from participation in the trial if they are not going to honor their oath as a juror!  Most Republicans are against calling witnesses, for the trial, but the Democrats are hoping enough will vote with them to call witnesses to testify and provide supporting documents. 

What is it that Trump has over the Republicans?  Lav Parnas, a henchman and co-conspirator with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani worked in Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden.  Parnas, in an interview with MSNBC Rachael Maddow, made some devastating remarks about Trump including calling Trump a cult leader.  It immediately reminded me of Jim Jones, a cult leader in the 70’s who in 1978 blindly led his followers to their death. 

Is Trump a Cult leader?  Why do so many Republican office holders blindly support him instead of supporting the American people?  Trump didn’t vote them into office; the American people did!  Some of his supporters are judges, lawyers and high ranking officials who risk their reputation and career to support Trump’s corrupted behavior. 

The integrity of the Republican Party and the country as a whole is at stake.  Trump has made so many damaging remarks and negative comments about people he dislikes or who disagrees with him until it has become a dangerous manic in the White House.  In a book written by a pair of Washington Post newspaper reporters Trump referred to U.S. military generals as “a bunch of dopes and babies.”  That’s a bad thing to say since he knows nothing about the military and the general officers are responsible for his and our safety. 

How can the American people trust Trump to protect them and provide them with what they need to live a decent life?  In an interview with the press about Parnas Trump kept talking about the economy, about the stock market and how well we were doing as a country under his leadership.  What he doesn’t seem to realize is that most Americans are not invested in the stock market! 

He said that Black employment was at its lowest ever.  I had to chuckle at that one!  That shows that he knows nothing about slavery.  He is wrong on so many issues. 

When are our Republican leaders going to see that he means the party no good. As a matter of fact, he means nobody any good other than himself.  Let’s hope the Republicans come to their senses and remove him from office. 


If not, it will be a shame and the burden will remain on the shoulders of the American people to use their voting power to oust him before we lose America as we know it!     

Shedrick Byrd is a frequent contributor to the New Journal and Guide and retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer.

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