Continued from last week Tell the new believer in Jesus Christ, You are now a child of God’s family. You became a Christian and received the...
Today we know more about the brain and ways in which people think and process information. There is left-and right-brain hemispheric functioning. Although the whole-brain pattern...
Applying Right-Brain Evangelism Begin with salvation scriptures that are easily accepted and processed in the feminine Right Brain of love and compassion. Lead the un-saved to...
Introduction Martin Luther, Founder of the Protestant Reformation, has stated, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” Years ago, I...
Continued from Last Week Yes, you have two brains. There is the brain in the head as well as in the heart. The HeartBrain is the...
This article reports the new research of neurocardiologist Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal, who first introduced the concept of a functional heart...
Continued from last week I Corinthians 14:2ff: Speaking in tongues (says Paul) • Is desirable for it is a gift from God. • It is not...
Continued from last week Spiritual Gifts In the Body of Christ for Ministry and Worship (I Corinthians 12:1-14:40) • Word of Wisdom • Word of Knowledge...
My Story – Part 1 On Sunday Morning, October 15, 2006, following the powerfully inspired preaching of the Reverend Phillip E. Terrell, son of Pastor E.H....
Pentecost is the festival of the Christian Church occurring on the fiftieth day and seventh Sunday after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; also it is known...