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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: God’s Compassion Helps to Heal Our Grief!

God fills our hearts with peace when we pour out our hearts to Him who guides us into knowledge and spiritual growth. As we experience more of God’s love, the Holy Spirit is poured on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior! Today, as we think about our relationship with God, remember the compassion of the Holy Spirit is our guide to life in Christ (Romans 8:14).

With all kinds of grief, we are encouraged to pray and wait patiently (Romans 12:12). The author of Psalms 130 waited in prayer. He found hope in God because he knew that with the Lord is mercy and abundant redemption. God can use us at any age, if we are willing to serve Him with compassion. All of us have talents and God-given skills and abilities at various levels and we must not bury what God has granted us! We can continue to ask God to show us how to serve him even with sickness, extensive weakness and other limitations. We are often saddened by family problems, community challenges, death and social adjustments.

Can our grief extend into the need for physical healing? Do we need an unusual cure? Read Naaman’s story (2 Kings 5) to learn how God works in mysterious ways to perform wonderful miracles. Can we, like Naaman, expect the unexpected for our lives? Naaman was noted in history for his military success in battle. Read about his unusual cure of leprosy (2 Kings 5:2-6). God’s compassion allowed the servant girl to return good for evil. With no obligation to be concerned, God had her to choose to move beyond social barriers and tell Naaman about a cure. Was Naaman cured because of his wealth and status or was the cure made possible by God through the servant girl Elisha and other servants? God chooses all of us for the work we do! May we continue praising His holy name!

How easy it is to let the trials of the moment strip us of the memory of God’s protection. Let us praise Him for His patience and unending unconditional love for us. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted (Psalms 34:18). We find comfort in knowing that He is near as we think of sad times in our lives. We must continue to cling to who God shares in our sorrows.
We have opportunities to care for others and to encourage them as God has done the same for us. We can open doors of welcome personally for others who never dreamed of such help in God’s house and in His family! We can ask God to help us to become sensitive to the needs of others and to give us the right words to create messages about the Lord.

Through the Holy Spirit, our words of compassion and our witness can have the power to make eternal differences in the lives of others. Caring words can accomplish more than we are able to imagine. There is always a place for unity. We can accomplish more together than we can alone!

Rather than grieving over shortcomings in life, why not honor God by becoming a prayer warrior. We can also use other skills to serve Him according to our abilities (Matthew 25:15). With a desperate cry to God who is like a loving parent, He longs to have us live in His protective love without fear of being alone. He is the dearest friend we have ever known. We never, not ever walk alone!

Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va.

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