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Black Church News in Virginia

Marriner’s Moment: ReIgniting the Fire – Part 3

Pastor Marriner
By Pastor Melvin O. Marriner
Grove Church

As we continue with our theme of Reigniting the Fire, ask yourself what or who is it that is extinguishing your fire, and more importantly, what needs to happen so that you can reclaim that fire.

Christ desires for us to rest and have ‘me time’

God created the heavens and earth in six days and used the seventh day to rest. Genesis 2:2 reads, “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work.” (NLT) How many times, rather than attend corporate worship, do we go to work to ‘catch up’, or stay home on Sundays to complete household chores because we work so hard during the week that we don’t have time to do them? Many of us are ‘running on fumes.’ And, if we do attend church, our thoughts are elsewhere – focused on the week ahead or tasks at hand, rather than worshipping and praising God. The Bible tells us that we should worship God with our whole body, soul and spirit.

We need to get away with God to recover our light.

God will restore or reignite your passion or fire. Spending time with God restores our soul, lightens our burdens and gives us strength and peace of mind. When we develop and nurture our relationship with Christ, we ought to reflect the light of Christ – at home, work or in our social settings. Others should be able to tell by our words and deeds, that we have been set apart. How do you handle stress and challenges? Are you patient and loving – as Christ is with you – or are you easily provoked or temperamental? Are you gossipy, argumentative or judgmental, or do you turn the other cheek, give others the benefit of doubt and demonstrate acceptance?

Give up the impossible struggles and barren relationships that you have.

There are times that we may have to forego friendships and relationships so that we can reignite our fire for Christ. There is a saying that ‘everybody who came with you, can’t go with you.’ This may mean you have to leave excess baggage behind that comes in the person of barren, unproductive and dissatisfying relationships. In other words, people who drain you or put out your fire may not need to be in your life.

© Dr. Melvin O. Marriner,
September 2016

We invite you to join us at Grove Church, 5910 West Norfolk Road, Portsmouth, Virginia, Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays at noon and Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

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