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Will America Be Lawless After Trump?

By Shedrick Byrd

Will America be a lawless country, after Donald Trump?  Since being in office Trump has used Executive Orders to dismiss numerous laws and policies that were put in place to protect American citizens.  Laws such as the Affordable Care Act, the clean water act, the clean air act and nullified restrictions on limiting police access to the disposed military gear. 

Most of his executive orders are to the benefit of the “one percenters” in this country.  There is no thought on his behalf to support the well-being of the other 99 percent of us. 

He himself violates or disrupts policies and laws on what seem like a daily basis. For example, he disallowed his present and past cabinet members and other employees to honor subpoenas handed out to them by the House of Representatives to testify before Congress.   

He has filled the White House with his rich and corrupt businessmen, friends, and family.  Some have gone to jail and many have been forced to resign.  It seems that there are many others who will see the inside of jail cells.    

One of the most corrupt members of his cabinet and a surprise to me is his Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao.  Chao is the wife of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell.  A few weeks ago I read where Chao was in cahoots with her husband by having her father’s shipping company, Foremost Group, a New York-based shipping, trading, and finance enterprise that’s run by Chao’s sister, to donate millions of dollars to McConnell’s 2020 reelection campaign.  This is considered by the House Ethics Committee as a conflict of interest and perhaps illegal.

The New York Times reports that Chao has also blatantly leveraged her position to benefit her family’s shipping business in Beijing, China, associating her family’s business with her position as Secretary of Transportation. 

In addition to being in cahoots with his wife, McConnell is complicit in Trump’s corruptive behavior by stalling up any bills that might indict or embarrass Trump.  McConnell is also trying to corrupt the justice system by packing the courts with right wing judges. He has stated that he will acquit Trump if the House impeaches him.  What’s amazing to me is on these matters he seems to be flying below the news media radar.  You don’t hear much about his corrupt behavior.

Joe Biden, in an interview, asked the question, “Will American politics go back to normal” after Donald Trump?  He also stated that “more than Trump, McConnell exemplifies the degradation of the Republican Party.”

It will take a long time for politics to get back to any sense of normalcy.  Much depends on the American people and who they vote into office.  The Republican Party has fallen so low in corruption and morality until if they are reelected to power in the Senate we will never have normalcy in America again. 

The media must give more focus to Chao, and McConnell’s destructive behaviors. 

Shedrick Byrd is a frequent contributor to the New Journal and Guide 

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