Delve into the life of the iconic reggae legend Bob Marley in "Bob Marley: One Love." Experience his journey from Nine Mile to worldwide stardom, his...
In this video interview on behalf of the Alpha Chi Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda in Norfolk, Virginia, Rev. Dee Edwards (on right), interviews Brenda H....
2020 Impacting Lives Ceremony In 2014, the New Journal and Guide newspaper began this annual event to recognize persons and entities that have made a significant...
Video by Ernest Lowery
Publishers of Black-owned community newspapers, including Janis Ware of the Atlanta Voice, Chris Bennett of the Seattle Medium, Denise Rolark Barnes of the Washington Informer, and...
BREAKING NEWS: Washington, DC, April 28, 2020 — National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., will engage Democratic Party Majority...
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