The Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to the pioneering "Hidden Figures"—Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Christine Darden—for their groundbreaking contributions to NASA and the...
By Randy Singleton Community Affairs Correspondent New Journal and Guide HAMPTON Three pioneering African American women mathematicians who made contributions to NASA and the space race...
Submitted by Lynn Jones Jacksonville (Fla.) Free Press Special To The New Journal and Guide Born November 4, 1920, Yvette Brown Ridley has reached a centennial...
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia Katherine Johnson, one of the African-American women whose stories received global attention in the best-selling book and blockbuster...
By Leonard E. Colvin Chief Reporter New Journal and Guide In 1953 Katherine Johnson was hired at the Area Computing Section of the National Advisory Committee...
Presented by the Association For The Study of African-American Life and History; Hampton Roads Branch Established on September 9, 1915 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, we...