"Kid Olympians: Summer" by Robin Stevenson, illustrated by Allison Steinfeld, introduces young readers to the childhoods of famous Olympians, blending fun anecdotes with inspiring stories of...
Rodney Suiter's legacy as a passionate and talented actor-director left an indelible mark on the local theatre community. His creative spirit and dedication to his craft...
Former Norfolk State University student Jawn Murray has risen to prominence as the executive producer of "Sherri," the No. 2 ranked TV talk show. Murray’s journey...
Martin Lawrence and Will Smith return as the iconic duo in "Bad Boys: Ride or Die," navigating a web of action, comedy, and nostalgia. With a...
Jordan Wallace made history as the first Black racer in the Porsche Carrera Cup North America, competing at the Formula One Miami Grand Prix with aspirations...
Major League Baseball has made a historic move by incorporating Negro Leagues statistics into its official records, recognizing the achievements of approximately 2,300 players and correcting...
"Explore a collection of thrilling tales where Black girls defy horror tropes and emerge victorious, in 'The Black Girl Survives in This One,' edited by Desiree...
"Dive into the rich tapestry of African-American art and entertainment, particularly the profound influence of music. From spirituals sung by slaves to the roots of gospel,...
By Joseph Green-Bishop Texas Metro News Correspondent When Rihanna, the Barbadian-megastar and successful cosmetics and lingerie executive, took the Super Bowl LVII stage this year, approximately...
Apple Original Films’ “Emancipation,” directed and executive produced by Antoine Fuqua (“Training Day,” “The Equalizer”) and starring and produced by Will Smith (“King Richard,” “The Pursuit...