Alasha Bennett is on a mission to empower youth and families through entrepreneurship. With her youth business program, she's teaching children as young as five how...
"Dr. Angela Reddix's transformative vision comes to life with the grand opening of the Mustard Seed Place, a beacon of empowerment for women entrepreneurs. Through initiatives...
"Norfolk's St. Paul's Quadrant undergoes transformation with new housing, grocery store, and job training center." #NorfolkDevelopment #UrbanRenewal #CommunityRevitalization #StPaulsQuadrant #FoodLion #EconomicGrowth
Friendship Baptist Church envisions the Strong Tower Community Life Center, a multifunctional facility aimed at serving the community's diverse needs, from senior citizen cafes to youth...
The 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington serves as a reminder of the monumental strides achieved by the Civil Rights Movement. While symbolic marches are...
Huntersville Park in Norfolk's Historic Huntersville neighborhood is undergoing a transformation, with new recreational features and a unique addition: public artworks created by local young artists....
Congressman Bobby Scott delivers a $3 million check to fund Chesapeake's first public swimming pool, fulfilling a promise to improve quality of life in the community....
NORFOLK Norfolk civic and business leaders joined Norfolk city and state officials and partners in celebrating the Grand Opening and ribbon cutting of Market Heights Apartments,...
Discover the upcoming monument in Lynchburg, honoring M.W. "Teedy" Thornhill, the city's first African American mayor. Learn about his significant contributions to the community and the...