The Chesapeake Sheriff’s Office concludes Black History Month by honoring two retired trailblazers, Colonel William C. Bennett, Jr. and Captain Junius “Nick” Moore, for their remarkable...
A heartfelt tribute celebrates the contributions of African-American personalities to the rich history of Black Radio in Hampton Roads, bringing the community together in a memorable...
The NAC Save Our Youth Foundation honors Clarence F. Nelson Jr. and outstanding students with scholarships, featuring esteemed speakers and a vibrant celebration of African-American achievement."...
Kwame Alexander celebrates Black poetry at a special book signing event in PURE LAGOS. #BlackHistoryMonth #KwameAlexander #Poetry #AfricanArt #CommunityEvent
"Explore the groundbreaking contributions of Pauli Murray, Audre Lorde, and Danielle Evans to African-American literature, as they fearlessly tackled issues of identity, activism, and feminism through...
"Delve into the rich history of African-American literature, from the poignant slave narratives to the vibrant expression of hip-hop culture, encompassing the voices of renowned authors...
Delving deeper into the history of Black Theater unveils a captivating journey through the cultural tapestry of African-American life. From the pioneering productions of the Harlem...
"Explore the rich legacy of artistic talent from Hampton Roads, with notable figures like Ruth Carter, Tim Reid, and Clayton Singleton making significant contributions to the...
I sincerely believe there is still a necessity for Black History Month. I have been a student and teacher of Black history for more than six decades – and...
"Introduce your child to the rich tapestry of Black history with these captivating children's books. From stories of resilience and cultural heritage to inspiring biographies, these...