The "Una Noche Caliente" Jazzy Christmas Show at the historic Attucks Theatre, featuring virtuoso saxophonist Stephanie Sanders and guests Jackiem Joyner and Paul Taylor, lit up...
NORFOLK In observance of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., area residents gathered at the Attucks Theatre to hear inspirational speeches before marching to...
By Leonard E. Colvin Chief Reporter New Journal and Guide As a teen during the 1950s, Malcolm Avery would join family members and friends to watch...
A full house turned out Friday night (Feb. 8) to the Attucks Theatre for the debut showing of the new documentary “The Historic Attucks Theatre: The...
NORFOLK/NJG To observe the centennial of the first commercial theater developed and built by African-Americans in Hampton Roads, the City of Norfolk has planned a year-long...