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Black Church News in Virginia

Marriner’s Moment: Reigniting The Promise – Part 4

This month at Grove Church, we are reigniting the promise. This promise goes back to 2008 when we were making plans to build a new sanctuary. Instead, the Lord said WAIT! Today, we are thankful that we were obedient because in that same year our nation experienced a devastating economic recession – banks closed, people defaulted on loans, others lost their homes and their jobs, and some churches that had mortgages lost everything and no longer exist.

The decision not to build was not popular among some members, but as a leader in God’s Kingdom, it’s important to submit to God, even if it means standing alone. There were many lessons learned and confirmed during this season and, as we prepare to reignite the promise of God, I’ve been sharing just a few of those them in this series. The last lesson I want to share is:

When God gives a blessing, there is space for growth
Blessings don’t come without burdens. God blesses our faith. He repositions whatever blessings He has for our future AHEAD of us. God has blessed and continues to bless Grove Church. No church is perfect, but as I enter into my 29th year of serving as Senior Pastor, I am so grateful for the blessings He has and continues to give.

It’s important that we never stop growing in Christ, studying the Bible, and developing a deeper relationship with Christ. When you get to know Him, you know His voice. You understand that He desires the best for us, and you appreciate that while we may not always understand what He is doing, we must put our faith and trust in Him, despite what we SEE!

Over the years, I’ve been stretched, but I’ve been so blessed. I know that my work here on earth is not done and, as I continue on this journey, I know in my heart that as long as I am in God’s will, doing His work, His way, He will continue to bless me, my family and those in His Kingdom. I stand on His promise and feel extraordinarily blessed to be able to reignite the promise!

Peace and power.

© Dr. Melvin O. Marriner,
Grove Church
October 2017

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