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Black Community Opinions

Local Voices: We Are, Still …

In a powerful tribute, Sean C. Bowers emphasizes the enduring spirit and resilience of the Black community, celebrating achievements and the ongoing journey toward empowerment, unity, and justice. He highlights historical figures and the strength found in community, reminding us of the mountains yet to be climbed.

#WeAreStill #BlackEmpowerment #LocalVoices #SeanCBowers #CulturalLegacy #CommunityResilience #BlackPress

By Sean C. Bowers

United in purpose, we carry on, we move forwards, never backwards, we get up, we rise, we overcome, we win, and in the end, we are the mountain, we climb. We summit this mountain of us, built by us, for us, for our children, for our great-grandchildren’s children. We are, still, in that solemn moment, with the internal knowledge that We are, still, and always have been more than enough, just as we are.

Vice President Harris, as you step through the glass ceiling’s broken shards, broken promises, broken remnants of the age-old artificially created, unnecessarily implemented, predatory-designed broken systemic usta-bees – know that NOW when young girls everywhere in the world learn their ABC’s, they will know in their hearts that they, too, can indeed be anything they want to be and are willing to work for.

Now we look to the next tallest mountain to scale, never forgetting this mountain. We remember all those on whose shoulders we were swept up, held up to become our best selves, our destiny, our potential, our great-great-grandparents’ vision’s realized and actualized.

We are most highly favored, blessed and watched over. We speak it, so. We speak ourselves up to where we know we belong. We are all of us on this epic journey together on this exodus bus.

We are here today, from whence we came, never to be the same, or to pull up lame. We are Jesse Owens facing down Hitler on his NAZI turf for 4 gold medals. We are Bullet Bob Hayes, still to this day, the only Olympic gold medalist and Super Bowl Champion. We are Muhammad Ali, the greatest of all time, formed from the rock bed of Jack Johnson and the Brown Bomber, who Maxxed out Schmeling, across the seas, on the radio. No matter how they covered the Olympics, sports, history, entertainment, music, and society, we came, we conquered, all while we rose to face down the elephant in the room.

We are sterling, pearls, gold, and diamonds made over time under extreme pressure, NOT to succeed. Yet in spite of all the spite, we are now the ones they come to sell their fizzy bubbles on TV. We are the sprightly of spirit. We are more than they will ever know or can conceive of us. Our meek inherit the earth.

We change the games we play, every time we drive, board, sit down on, ride, repair, buy, and lead the bus. We’ve been taught well by our ancestors’ countless generations to forever positively represent our Blackness.

We are, still able after all we have been through, to still see the best in others, ourselves and life. We are still able and willing to shoulder the load, to help our neighbors in need, carry on, carrying their causes kindly.

We are still continuing our climb together, in kind, we grow in numbers as a force for good.

We are America’s moral compass, North Star. We raise the bar because of who we are. Who we stand for, who we will become is now uncapped, our truest potential, still untapped. Unmapped, we chart new courses forward, continuing upward with what we started. Undaunted, no longer by our past haunted, we are more than on our way, today. We are here to stay. We are what we will ourselves to be. We are kind, understanding, empathic; we carry the weight of the world, like Atlas.

We lift up our hearts, minds and souls and ensure that none are left behind, struggling on alone, in their own (mental) fox holes.

We are still, here, America. We are the Black Press, the New Journal & Guide. We are loud and proud as James Brown sang. We represent you, our people.

We follow no one; we lead from within and from the front lines. As we still climb all mountains near and far, we are our own North Star and we are still, summiting.

Sean C. Bowers has written for The New Journal and Guide, CHAMPIONING overcoming racism, sexism, classism, and religious persecution. More of his work can found by searching “Sean C. Bowers” on the NJ&G website, on social media at or by email  NNPA 2019 Publisher of the Year, Brenda H. Andrews (NJ&G 38 years) has always been his publisher.

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