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Black Community Opinions

Local Voices: Nixon’s Memorial Day Legacy – Quaker Faker

By Sean C. Bowers

Tricky Dick’s back from the dead—the O.G. (Original Gangster) persecuting prosecutor and his made up agenda against the white anti-war left and on all blacks who do and don’t wear dreds. On this Memorial Day, we salute all those Americans senselessly lost in the fabricated and fictionalized “War on Drugs” over the past forty-five years. The whole American “War on drugs” was revealed recently by Harper Magazine’s Dan Baum to be all cooked up and deliberately concocted to criminalize and stigmatize two basic groups: first, the anti-war hippy left with marijuana usage and crime. Then the tricksters second target was for blacks to be tarred with stronger drug usage like heroin and more violent crime.

Both were to be vilified on the evening news, night after night, year after year. The result? Two Million arrested and uncounted numbers caught up in the prison feeder system to where we are now, with dangerously overcrowded prisons and jails. President Sickson’s Chief of U. S. Domestic Policy, John Ehrlichman of Watergate infamy, was the (other) deep throat source who confirmed in a 1994 interview that President Slickson knew full well the whole hastily concocted “War on Drugs” was just a made up lie and an excuse, to cover up their real intentions: infiltrate, disrupt, discredit and criminalize the liberal Left’s anti-war movement, while also throwing blacks under the bus yet again.

President Dickson’s dastardly actions were actually included on his own tapes’ greatest hits library where he can be heard using the N-word so easily, routinely and regularly that you could tell it was engrained in his 1st nature as a multi-generational racist. Of course, he attempted to hide his true nature under the guise of his Quaker religion.
This terrible disgraceful President, disgraceful person, disgraceful American cloaked himself in a religion that at its core beliefs stands against everything he stood for and did to the American people.

As Quakers, we renounce you, President Trickson. You, Sir, aren’t fit to shine our belt-buckled Quaker (Oats) hats or shoes. Since the inception of the Religious Society of Friends in the 1600s, Quakers have long stood for the rights and equality of all.  Quaker stands helped free run away slaves along the Underground Railroad and helped begin the abolitionist movement.

On the other hand, your stands, Sir RICHard, clearly show how easily politicians (particularly on the wealthy Conservative Right) slip in and out of their photo-shopped, photo-opted, poser religious robes. For the future when politicians, clergy, priests, candidates, media, and various religious practitioners/parishioners state that “they” speak exclusively against or about any one group, we should all get up and collectively walk out.

Humanity, in its most basic form, should be about helping one another. Religions should give hope to all through faith-based practices, such as tolerance, acceptance and compassion. Government should protect all her citizens peacefully: all groups, races, sexes, classes, or genders should be dealt with even-handed justice, and consistently fair rules of law that take advantage of no one.

We’ve learned that when someone shows and tells us clearly who they are (and they are the worst of our not-so-distant-past come back to haunt us again) we must believe them, rise up, overcome them and move forward, past them into our shared future destiny. Our political horizon is littered with Tricky Dicksters, past and present, from a long lineage of in-breeds: Bull Connor, George Wallace, Joseph McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, J. Edgar Hover, W. and Daddy Bush, Antonio Scalia, Richard Nixon, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and The Donald (Wanna-be) TRUMP (MASTER.)

Now that we know the whole truth about the made-up “War of Drugs,” how do we go about fixing the broken intake system, by releasing the men and women unfairly profiled, targeted, framed, prosecuted, sentenced and held? How do we restore dignity to those whose lives and families, who for generations, have been abused by being in Nixon’s trap, American Style?
How do we as a nation rise above and overcome all our Tricky Dicksters so that everyone will actually have that fair chance to succeed in life’s race, as our founders and President Lincoln envisioned? It is time for our best on Prime Time, instead of our TRUMPED- up, (worst.)

Until then, we’re all “prisoners” in the war on America. Truth isn’t tricky, (it’s a casualty their way) in the Quaker based ways Richard, Truth stands alone, for all.
Sean C. Bowers is a local progressive youth development coach, author and poet, who has written for the New Journal and Guide the last eighteen years. His recent book of over 120 NJ&G articles detailing the issues is available at and he does do large scale solutions presentations.


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