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Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message: The Praises of His Glory

We as believers should praise God because it is right and proper in His sight. God never needs our approval, but only our praises. This is a most important part of our created nature. The ability to praise and worship God freely and properly is indeed a part of our inheritance from Him. It is also a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How can we give God greater praise and glory? How does accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ affect us spiritually? God is spiritual in nature and we are positioned by Him for our greatest inheritance which is the salvation of our souls. The seal of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13) marks us spiritually as God’s children and as His heirs. We are not expected to fully understand the nature of God’s gift of the Holy Spirit as believers because we are humans. We have limited insight into the spiritual world.

As Ephesians 1 is read, we learn that Paul pictures the gift of the Holy Spirit as being connected with faith. Our praise should increase as we recognize God’s goodness continuously. We need not waste valuable time seeking earthly “stamps of approval” to validate our worth. God has already placed His seal of adoption on us. In this letter to the Ephesians, Paul encouraged them even though he was jailed at that time. Today, Paul’s words inform us about the advantages believers share concerning the teachings of Jesus Christ. We can praise God in a final defeat of sin and its effect. Spiritual fulfillment that is seen as our personal growth must also be counted as praiseworthy in our prayers.

Praising God is recognition of His great works and for who He is in our lives. He expects praise from us. Paul says that God acts for the praise of His Glory to us who were the first to put hope in Christ.
Let us continue to be “in Christ” or close to Him as our Savior. Some definite answers that we need can be found in Ephesians 1:13. Is our existence known through our risen Savior? According to this passage of Scripture, what do we know about Christ?

1. Jesus is alive.
2. We can relate to Him.
3. We, as a community of believers, make up His body.
This is only a sample of answers. After reading various translations, more information can be obtained for our benefit. Our living Lord is with us and we grow in Him with praises and honor as we continue to accept the promises of His love and care now and in eternity!

We can share our faith and gratitude as Christians. Our encouragement to family and friends to maintain spiritual strength when facing turmoil, health issues, financial stress, incivility and biblical challenges. How can we stay strong through the hope that Jesus offers for our lives? God deserves our praise and honor regardless to any and all problems that occur.

Mrs. Gladys R. McElmore, a resident of Norfolk’s Middle Town Arch Community, is a New Journal and Guide Freelance Contributor on religion. She is a native of Essex County, Va.

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