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Black Opinions

I’m Still Voting For Donald Trump In November

By Raynard Jackson
NNPA Newswire Columnist

What the hell is going on with Blacks in this Republican Party? My phone has been ringing off the hook since last week with people from across the country asking me to explain the unexplainable. Memo to my readers: I DON’T WORK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But, it seems everyone wants to call me to get an understanding or insight into the inner workings of some of the strategies coming out of this party from the party’s “so-called” Black operatives.

First, in order to be an operative, by definition, you must know how to operate. These Blacks have little to no significant campaign experience and have absolutely no understanding of messaging and communications. Last week, I was with a Black nationally syndicated radio talk show host who is extremely liberal. He asked why the party has not brought on people like me to help with their efforts with the Black community, as opposed to suing people like me? I told him to call the party and ask them that same question.

But then he said something very interesting. “They don’t want people like you [referring to me] who know what they are doing,” he said. “They want people who they can control.”
I thought that was extremely insightful. Part of a true operative’s background is a thing called experience. Only through experience can one know what to do, as well as what not to do. By this party constantly bringing on people with no relevant experience, they are setting their Black surrogates up for failure.

I guess this explains why I have been receiving phone calls from all over the country, especially from North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. It seems like these Black staffers have received orders from the party to go into the Black community and ask Blacks to vote Republican, but not for Trump. Yep, you heard me correctly!

How in the world do you go into the Black community and tell them that you are not supporting Trump’s campaign for the presidency on the Republican ticket and then turn around and ask them to vote Republican down ballot? What these Black Republicans are doing is akin to asking a person to buy a Big Mac hamburger from McDonald’s without the beef. I know, I know, that doesn’t make sense and it’s impossible; well then, you get my point, thus I rest my case.

I unapologetically support Trump, because of the balance of the Supreme Court, my belief that amnesty for illegals will further exacerbate the Black unemployment rate, and our party’s establishment needs to be totally shaken up! We need totally new leadership from top to bottom on every level of the party. To me, all the other issues swirling around Trump is mere background noise.

One of the fundamental tenets of marketing as it applies to getting consumers to switch brands, i.e., from Democrat to Republican, is “messenger credibility.” How can you go into the Black community with credibility and ask for them to vote for Republicans down ballot, but don’t support the person at the top of the ticket? Would you support your local NAACP branch and try to distance yourself from the group’s national officers? I don’t think so.

These staffers should be embarrassed to ask Black folks to buy a product that they themselves don’t even believe in. Do they really think that Blacks are that stupid?
If I have to choose between making money and keeping my integrity, I will always choose keeping my integrity. I can always make more money, but I can’t get more integrity.


Raynard Jackson is founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org.

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