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Hampton Roads Community News

Community COVID Testing Center Expands Hours


A Community Testing Center (CTC) is now open by appointment only at the Military Circle to provide free Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for COVID-19. This is in response to public demand for increased availability, according to the  Norfolk Health Department.

  “As we face a national shortage of rapid COIVD-19 tests, this expanded capability to use PCR testing will be critical for residents looking for free, reliable testing if they have been exposed to someone ill or may be feeling the symptoms of COVID,” notes Dr. Parham Jaberi, chief deputy commissioner for the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). 

  The Norfolk Health Department has been holding testing events each Monday at the Military Circle Mall since September 2021, but this new operation allows residents to be tested Saturday through Thursday. This appointment only COVID-19 testing will be held outside the mall structure in a tent to minimize potential exposure of those who are symptomatic and need testing versus those coming in for vaccinations.

  Given the high demand for testing, the CTC will operate by appointments only and be open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday thru Thursday. The Norfolk Health Department will however place staff on site to assist individuals with lack of access to internet or who may require further assistance with registration.  The testing facility will be closed on Fridays. To find an appointment, visit Enter zip code 23502. 

CTC test results will be automatically sent via text or email message to individuals being tested, based on the information provided in the appointment system.

  PCR test results are usually available within a few days and are very effective in detecting an active COVID-19 infection, even if asymptomatic.  These CTCs are coordinated by the State VDH office and will be operating in addition to existing Community Testing Events which have been locally coordinated and administered through local health departments and community partners.

To learn more about COVID-19 testing, visit the VDH COVID-19 Testing webpage.

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