"Kid Olympians: Summer" by Robin Stevenson, illustrated by Allison Steinfeld, introduces young readers to the childhoods of famous Olympians, blending fun anecdotes with inspiring stories of...
The Hampton Roads Black Radio Announcers’ historic photo exhibit opens at Norfolk's Slover Library, celebrating the legacy and influence of Black radio in the region and...
Win tickets to the 2024 Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival Compliments of The New Journal and Guide. Print and Digital Readers: Answer the questions below and email...
The City of Petersburg's proposed $1.4 billion Live! Casino Resort, co-developed by Bruce Smith Enterprise and The Cordish Companies, has been certified for the November ballot,...
Former Norfolk State University student Jawn Murray has risen to prominence as the executive producer of "Sherri," the No. 2 ranked TV talk show. Murray’s journey...
Martin Lawrence and Will Smith return as the iconic duo in "Bad Boys: Ride or Die," navigating a web of action, comedy, and nostalgia. With a...
Thaddeus Coffey, also known as "Mr. Silver Strings," is a self-taught master of over 200 musical instruments, captivating audiences with his extraordinary talent. His journey, from...
Jordan Wallace made history as the first Black racer in the Porsche Carrera Cup North America, competing at the Formula One Miami Grand Prix with aspirations...
The 2024 Community Builders Awards by HRCAP honored ten college and university presidents for their contributions to education, featuring keynote speaker Phylicia Rashad. #HRCAP #CommunityBuilders #Education...
Join the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation for a two-day celebration in Washington D.C. on June 18-19. Highlights include a Juneteenth Parade to the White House Ellipse,...