The first Atlantic Comic Con in Norfolk, spearheaded by Derron Flood, brought a unique blend of Afro-centric comic book culture, featuring Black creatives and cosplayers. The...
Who invented hip-hop? Though the beat-driven form originated in underground clubs in the Bronx, it was Herbie Hancock who drove it into the spotlight with “Rockit,”...
"The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500-Year Legacy" by Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. and Stacy M. Brown examines the enduring impact of the transatlantic slave...
"Kid Olympians: Summer" by Robin Stevenson, illustrated by Allison Steinfeld, introduces young readers to the childhoods of famous Olympians, blending fun anecdotes with inspiring stories of...
The Hampton Roads Black Radio Announcers’ historic photo exhibit opens at Norfolk's Slover Library, celebrating the legacy and influence of Black radio in the region and...
Rodney Suiter's legacy as a passionate and talented actor-director left an indelible mark on the local theatre community. His creative spirit and dedication to his craft...
President Biden has passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris, igniting new energy among Democrats. Harris's historic nomination has mobilized thousands, particularly Black women, in...
Former Norfolk State University student Jawn Murray has risen to prominence as the executive producer of "Sherri," the No. 2 ranked TV talk show. Murray’s journey...
The Tidewater Area Musicians, Inc. celebrated its inaugural Scholarship Breakfast by awarding a $1000 scholarship to soprano Lillian M. Parker, recognizing her musical talent and academic...
"Hampton University, along with other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), is experiencing a significant surge in student applications. For the 2024-25 academic year, Hampton received...