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Bridge Corner: October 5, 2017

Hello and welcome the Tidewater Bridge Unit (TBU)

The Stayman Convention
After an opening bid of 1NT, a response of 2♣ may be used as the Stayman convention, asking opener to show a four-card or longer major suit. Opener rebids as follows:
2♦ shows no four-card or longer major suit.
2♥ shows a four-card or longer heart suit. Opener may have four spades.
2♠ shows a four-card or longer spade suit and denies four hearts.

North (N) is Dealer


West East
♠A5 ♠K98
♥QJ1098 ♥AK6
♦J763 ♦AQ1092
♣62 ♣97


1. Who and what is the opening bid?
2. Does the partnership belong in game or in partscore?
3. Does West know whether there is an
eight-card fit in the heart suit?
4. How can West find out? 5. North passes. What is East’s reply to Stayman?
6. South passes. What should West rebid now?
7. North passes. What should East bid?
8. What is the final contract?
9. Who will be the declarer ?
10. Who will make the opening lead?
11. What will the opening lead be?
12. How many losers can declarer afford?
13. How many losers does declarer have?
14. Are there any potential problems based upon which lead North chooses?

1. With a balanced hand and 16 HCP, East opens with 1NT
2. West is not sure
3. Not yet
4. Bid 2 Clubs, Stayman, and then bid hearts. This would show an invitational hand with a five-card heart suit.
5. 2 Diamonds
6. (2♥)
7. (East recognizes an invitational bid by West with a hand containing a five-card heart suit. East should bid 4♥ with a maximum notrump.)
8. 4♥
9. West
10. North
11. North has a great lead in the ♠Q, however, North may elect to lead the singleton diamond)
12. Three
13. Two clubs plus the Diamond King if the finesse loses.
14. If North chooses the singleton diamond lead, West must not take the finesse or West will lose a diamond, two diamond ruffs and two clubs for down two. If West rises with the Diamond Ace, West can safely pull trumps and lose the Diamond King later, along with two clubs to make the contract.

Winning Pairs
September 26, 2017
Section A Game

Delores J. Burney – Rose Ward
Aldis Raymond – Leon C. Ragland
Shirley W Nottingham – Elva Taylor
Wilma H. Horne – Olethia Everett
Jennifer Douglas – Lillye Holley
Clinton Lewis – Elizabeth A. Lyon
Oneida Lacey – Rosemary Whitehurst
Gloria Maddux – Betty L. Warren
Eunice D. Moore – Helen Lake


Winning Pairs
September 27, 2017
Section A Game

Lillye Holley – Harold M. Kiefer
Aldis Raymond – Leon C. Ragland
Shirley W. Nottingham – Elva Taylor
Wilma H. Horne – Delores J. Burney
Rosemary Whitehurst – Oneida R. Lacey


Tuesday, October 10
Bridge Game
10:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.
$4 – $5

Wednesday, October 11
Bon-Ton Bridge Game
10:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.
$4 – $5

All activities, unless otherwise noted, are located at the Berkley Senior Center, 925 S. Main Street, Norfolk, VA. For additional information on classes, games, or tournaments, please call Jennifer Douglas at (757) 701-0640.

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