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Black Arts and Culture

Bridge Corner: March 30, 2017

Hello and welcome to the Tidewater Bridge Unit (TBU).
North (N) and South (S) are in a 4 Heart Contract. South is Declarer, North is Dummy, and West has the opening lead. Can you make the contract?

♠ 764
♥ 3
♦ A1054
♣ A9862

West East
♠ QJ92 ♠ K53
♥ —– ♥ 108765
♦ J8732 ♦ KQ
♣ K753 ♣ Q104

♠ A108
♥ AKQJ942
♦ 96
♣ J

1. How many points in each hand?
2. How many tricks have you contracted to take?
3. What should West lead?
4. After South wins the ♥A, what is the next move?
5. When South begins to draw trumps (hearts), what is the surprise?
6. If South continues to play ♥, will South make the contract?
7. How should South proceed?


1. N=8 points; S=15 points; E=10 points; W=7 points
2. 10 tricks
3. ♠Q
4. Pull trumps – lead the A♥
5. A bad trump fit – West has NO hearts and East has FIVE hearts
6. No
7. Play two more rounds of hearts – K & Q, next lead the ♣J to the ♣A, then lead a club from Dummy and ruff/trump it in South’s hand. A Diamond lead to the Ace in Dummy allows South to play another club from Dummy for a second club ruff in South’s hand. At this point, South can play either his losing Diamond trick or the two losing Spade tricks – now South is “sitting pretty“ with his ♥J9 over East’s ♥108. Making four Hearts)

Winning Pairs
March 21, 2017
Unit Game

Shirley Nottingham – Lawrence Owes
Aldis Raymond – Leon C. Ragland
Harriet F. Goodrich – Evelyn J. Monroe
Cindy Burrell-Jones – Lillye Holley
Gloria Maddux – Barbara Whitfield
Betty L. Warren – Oneida Lacey


Winning Pairs
March 22, 2017
Unit Game

Barbara Whitfield – Lawrence Owes
Betty L. Warren – Grace W. Setzer
Aldis Raymond – Leon C. Ragland
Rose Ward – Harriet F. Goodrich
Shirley Nottingham – Elva N. Taylor
Harold M. Kiefer – Lillye Holley
Oneida Lacey – Evelyn J. Monroe
Delores J. Burney – Gloria Maddux

Happy Birthday To Our March Babies:

Dorothy Lorenz – 30th
Otha Wright – April 15th


June 2
ABA Nationwide Game
Norfolk, Virginia

August 17 – 26
ABA Summer
National Tournament
Lombard, Illinois

September 15-17
TBU Grade “A“ Game
Chesapeake, Virginia

All activities, unless otherwise noted, are located at the Berkley Senior Center, 925 S. Main Street, Norfolk, Va.

For additional information on classes, games, or tournaments, please call Delores Burney at (757) 321-0825 or Lawrence Owes at (757) 553-2601.


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