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On the eve of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 90th birthday celebration, 13 individuals were bestowed the honor of Chesapeake ICONs in the City of Chesapeake, VA.

The event was presented on Monday, January 14, 2019 at the Indian River Library, Chesapeake, VA by  the Connectional Ministries and Mission 2000,Inc. CMM 2K and G Paris Media Group. It was co-hosted by Chesapeake City Councilwoman, Dr. Ella P. Ward and Chief Apostle Joyce Tasby. 

A moment of silence was held for three of the 2018 MLK Ambassadors and Chesapeake ICONs who transitioned July, October and in December 2018. They were Dr. William E. Ward, Mr. Charles Beckett and Sister Mayrose Goodman Murray-Moon.

Those receiving 2019 awards were  Dr. Ronnie Joyner, Sr.  Dr. William Tyree,III, Dr. Francine Olds, Dr. Angela Corprew Boyd, Rev. Michael Toliver, Lucy Hawkins, Ruverta Holmes, Tracey Holland, Blair Durham, Alveta W. Ewell, Nischelle Buffalow, LaMont Simmons and Ernest Lowery.

The MLK Ambassador for Service Award will be bestowed upon Loretta Kahn, Editor of the Hampton Road Gazeti at a later date.

Selections are underway for the 2020 Chesapeake ICONs. For further information please contact CMM 2K and G Paris Media Group at (478) 775-3132.

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