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Local Voices: “The Dogs May Bark, But the Caravan Moves On”

During our twenty-game win streak Don McCool, head coach of the Mount Vernon High School Majors and later a 2014 inductee to the Virginia High School League, Hall-of-Fame said these words to me.

He explained, “All we could do was control our own actions and reactions. We could never control what others thought, did and more importantly, what they said.” This sage advice freed me in life- both on and off the court- from that point, forward.

Several of my past NJ&G articles have documented Candidate Trump, then President Elect, and now President 45. His own deeds, words, actions, tweets, and speeches are “less than”<, and reveal the real excuse for a man. As evidence only fed the fire, (the orange ire) TWIT-LER was born or born again. Going forward after this article, I choose to no longer feed into his desired closed-loop-circle-jerk. The serious issues have trumped 45. There will be plenty of others to (feed the greed) with an all eyes on him and his insatiable desire for his every uttered word total wall–to–wall coverage. Instead, positive solutions that address and solve problems will be my focus. Two old sayings come to mind, “You can’t fix stupid,” and, “Life is hardest when you are dumb.” The combination of them is a neat way to safely entomb and contain the compartmentalized cone of the silenced bio-hazard strain, depriving it of the two things it craves and cannot live without: attention & oxygen. We’ll leave him encased and hermetically sealed in his own glass case “bubble of babble,” once and not for all. When we allow the daily news cycles to be driven by any buffoon, we all become complicit in the lowering of our national moral honor. When one feeds on violence, conflict, twitter feuds, personal attacks, put downs and one-downs-man-ship, it is no wonder we end up with a human racist, sexist, class-based intolerant religious persecutor and blunderer. Pay no mind to the mentally naked idiot in the hat and USA suspenders. He has only temporarily tried to suspend progress and attempted to prevent our species evolution, through his badly branded retardment of the advancement of much needed grace and reason in our age of enlightenment. Without giving him the desired attention, Sir-Long-Windedness (of-the-thought- process-less-wilderness) blows himself out, like a candle in his own hind wind. So it is, with a light and joyous heart, I release thee, heavy weight boat anchor of disgraced misery, to thine own self, to not be true. World activists everywhere are already uniting as His end is near. So, as the dog barks, and the carnival barkers yap, our caravan moves right on past our current regressions into the optimistic future.  The nations of the world await our friendship, tolerance, acceptance and good will with open arms. As Coach McCool always said, “Only you control your destiny, nobody but you.” Anybody wanna buy a used dog whistle? Sean C. Bowers is a local progressive youth development coach, author and poet, who has written for the New Journal and Guide the last eighteen years. His recent book of over 120 NJ&G articles detailing the issues is available at V1ZUAL1ZE@aol.com and he does do large scale solutions presentations.

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