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Black Opinions

Trump – The Pied Piper of Renewed Racism in America

Beginning in 2008, Donald Trump became the poster boy for racism in America. Trump began his political career with his attempt to discredit Barack Obama based on Obama’s race. He knew full well that Obama was a US citizen but reveled in the attention he got from his supporters for his negative position on a Black presidential candidate.

Trump has decried crime in Chicago, Illinois and various Black communities and has threatened to send in federal troops to enforce laws and break up violent gangs.

In keeping with his pledge to “Make America Great Again” and to his supporters’ desire to “Take Our Country Back,” he failed to call out the perpetrators in the Charlottesville Virginia violence for who they were, Domestic Terrorists.

The Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, and David Duke were out in force in support of those who were openly promoting white supremacy and anti-semitism.

The overwhelming police presence usually associated with a “Black Lives Matter” protest or demonstration was obviously missing from this white supremacy demonstration. With the unprecedented violence associated with the demonstration, no arrests were made until vehicular homicide was committed.

Racism in America has traditionally been a clash between white and Black. This is no longer the case.

The cultural and social landscape of America is no longer White Master and Black Slave. Time has proven that “White” and “Black” are simply labels designed to separate master from slave, rich from poor, privileged from controlled, and intelligent from uneducated.

In today’s America, every person with fair skin and straight or silky hair is not “White” and every person with ebony skin and coarse Black hair is not “Black.” Thus, the Charlottesville, Virginia demonstration was opposing ideologies rather than opposing races.

Trump covered his ass with his violent supporters by not naming the terrorist groups responsible for this carnage. Two police officers died during the melee as well as a 32-year-old mother with many others injured, and he made no mention of the dead police, the injured, nor the dead woman. Where was the “Law and Order” rhetoric that accompanies each incident that involves Black participants? He simply “All Lives Mattered” this terrorist activity.


“We’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Trump said. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.”

The protestors included Ministers and parishioners who came to pray for peace. The terrorists ignored their ecumenical status and attacked them with brass knuckles and various other weapons.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the rally saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. 

“This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back and that’s what we gotta do,” Duke said.  His comments came as the protestors and counter-protestors clashed violently. 

This was Trump inspired violence. He could not condemn the perpetrators.

Charlottesville displayed white males 40 and up among the neo-Nazis and under 40 on the side of the protesters. The Neo-Nazis 40 and up are the ones who want to take their country back. The question is take it back from whom?

These were Trump supporters and Trump obviously recognized this and didn’t dare call them out and condemn them as would have been appropriate. As he read from his carefully scripted response he went off script just once to include “all sides” in his weak condemnation of the terrorist activity.

Several prominent white nationalists and neo-Nazis praised Trump’s comments. The founder of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi and white supremacist website that considers itself a part of the alt-right, celebrated the fact that Trump “outright refused to disavow” the white nationalist rally and movement.

American citizens can teach racists Americans a lesson like “No one has ever seen before.”

Let those who want their country back have it to themselves for two months. Neo-Nazis are not Americans! White Supremacists are not Americans! They have no real stake in America.


Those of us who do not subscribe to racism, who believe America is now and always has been the greatest country in the world, respect the diversity and diverse talents of Americans, should stay home for two months. Don’t go to work, don’t perform any public or private services, don’t open your business, don’t use public facilities, don’t shop except for basic needs, only pay necessary bills and avoid driving and public places. Just sit tight for two months and let Trump and his terrorist supporters have America for two months to themselves. Trump says that America is broken and only he can fix it. Give Trump, his white supremacist and neo-Nazi supporters a chance to take back America and make it great again without our participation.

America is great because of all of us. America needs all of us to function as the greatest nation on earth.

This land belongs to all of us equally who make up this great melting pot called AMERICA.

By Walter Smith
Philadelphia Observer

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