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Black Church News in Virginia

Rebecca’s Well: PoliticsTrees 2016 Presidential Campaign – Part 3

Continued from last week

“Ye shall know them by their fruits”
(Matthew 7:16)

(12) September 3, 2016, Donald Trump spoke to The Great Faith Ministries International in Detroit, Michigan, an African-American gathering. Standing at the podium, Trump said he wrote the speech, but he was sure, “you will understand it better than me.” What Trump meant was, you will like the praise I am going to give you African-Americans in this false speech because this is what you want to hear from me. However, I mean and understand only what I have expressed about your race before my all White rallies. African-Americans live in poverty, have the poorest schools, lowest paying jobs, highest crime rates and highest unemployment. This is what your race has benefited from voting Democratic. Now you should vote for me. What do you have to lose? (I answered this question in last week’s article: Everything ).

(13) Afterwards, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson and wife presented Trump with a Jewish Heritage Bible and Talit, the Jewish Prayer Shawl that is being sold online by Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Rev. James Hagee and others. Neither the Jacksons nor Trump is Jewish. Bishop Jackson draped the Talit as a “garment of glory” over Trump’s shoulders. Imagine Donald Trump shrouded in a “garment of glory.” The term shrouded means to wrap a corpse for burial. Bishop Jackson uses the Jewish Heritage Bible to teach his congregation Jewish traditions. Jackson is reported in an online article “Trump in Detroit” – “to engage in strange ordination rituals of new bishops by having them to lie face down on the floor after which he lay on each of them.” ( A reporter covering the story said many people felt the Jewish Bible and Talit were inappropriate presentations for an Evangelical Church.

(14) Jackson’s Ministries do not bear the title “Church.”Jesus states in Matthew 16:18, “ Upon This Rock I Build My Church And The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It.” Jesus did not say Ministries. Jesus is the Head of His Body that He calls, The Church which is His Bride (Ephesians 1:22-23)
(15) Jackson’s Ministries headquarters mirror the Pergamos of the Revelation, the church under imperial favor settled down in the world, “even where Satan’s seat is“ (Rev 2:13) Hosting, interviewing and presentation of Mosaic gifts to Donald Trump, including bizarre pastoral practices suggest confusion in Jackson’s consciousness, and one wonders about his Christian theology, doctrine and biblical leading of his people.

(16) The Bible views Donald Trump as a false prophet. We are warned: “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves, Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
(17) Masha Gessen author of “The Man Without A Face, the Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin “stated on “The Last Word “msnbc,” all who vote for Donald Trump will be voting for a DICTATOR. Masha stated further, “Trump praises Putin and others like him who are or have been dictators because Trump’s character, temperament and persona are consistent with dictatorial power and oppression.”

(18) Both Trump and Putin are described as kindred spirits and antichrists energies, note the plural antichrists. The antichrists energies are expressed everywhere today by evil people and their evil deeds, and in ideologies opposing God, ethics, morals and appropriate traditional customs and mores. The antichrists energies are the forerunners that precede and prepare the way for the Antichrist who will oppose Jesus Christ in the guise of Christ in the Last Times. In Christendom, prosperity Theology preaching out weighs Soul-winning and End- time Preaching.
(19) Dr. David Jeremiah has written a book titled, “Is This The End ?” The Holy Bible answers: “Little Children, it is the LAST TIME: and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists;whereby we know that it is the LAST TIME.” ( I John 2: 18 ) Dear Readers do not fear antichrists energies. Jesus will take care of His Own, as well as, “the enemies of the cross of Christ.”
(Phil. 3:18)
Amen (Oh, Yes!)
… to be continued

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